Heartland 101
Heartland 101 March 2018: Heartland Gears up for Turnaround Season
It is that time of year again when facilities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland take advantage of spring weather. For many companies, spring signals the start of turnaround season and the continuation of construction projects.
Read MoreHeartland 101 February 2018: Cold Weather Impacts Air Quality
Alberta’s Industrial Heartland region has seen some very cold weather in recent weeks, keeping even those who love wintertime bundled up and indoors. A drop into the deep freeze often restricts our activities, and it can also affect the quality of the outdoor air.
Read MoreHeartland 101 November 2017: Air Monitoring in the Heartland Expanded
Fort Air Partnership’s recent addition of a permanent continuous air monitoring station in the Town of Redwater in October and a portable continuous air monitoring station slated to be operational by 2018 is enhancing regional air monitoring in and around Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.
Read MoreHeartland 101 October 2017: Fire Prevention Week and Drills
From concept to completion, it might take 20 to 35 years or more for a major piece of transportation infrastructure. This timeline can vary depending on the size of the project. For a project with major bridges, interchanges, and flyovers, it takes decades of planning.
Read MoreHeartland 101 June 2017: Planning a Transportation Network
From concept to completion, it might take 20 to 35 years or more for a major piece of transportation infrastructure. This timeline can vary depending on the size of the project. For a project with major bridges, interchanges, and flyovers, it takes decades of planning.
Read MoreHeartland 101 May 2017: Keep Copies of Important Documents Ready to Go
Planning ahead, and putting together an emergency preparedness kit, can make a big difference to your safety and your ability to bounce back from an emergency. In addition to first aid kits, flashlights and blankets, it is suggested that copies of important documents are in your kit to ‘grab and go’.
Read MoreHeartland 101 April 2017: Heartland Gears up for Turnaround Season
Facilities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland take advantage of spring weather. For many companies, spring signals the start of turnaround season and the continuation of construction projects. Depending on the facility, a turnaround can last as short as a few days, or up to a month or longer. Nine companies have planned turnarounds this year, and construction activity continues on the Sturgeon Refinery.
Read MoreHeartland 101 March 2017: Renewing Industrial Operating Approvals
Flipping through your local newspaper, you may notice ads from time to time about industrial companies renewing an Operating Approval. Just like the renewal of a driver’s license and passport at set intervals, most industrial facilities must renew their Operating Approval every ten years.
Read MoreHeartland 101 December 2016: Idle Free Helps Keep Our Air Clean
Most of the time, air quality in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland is of low risk to health. However, with frigid temperatures like we’ve experienced lately, combined with calm winds, pollutants can be trapped close to the ground. One of the simplest ways that individuals can help reduce pollutants is by reducing idling time.
Read MoreHeartland 101 November 2016: Building Mega Projects with Modules
Mega projects in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland most often use modular construction for a large portion of the facility. Parts and pieces are sourced from all over the world. But instead of all the individual pieces arriving on site and assembled in order, many of those pieces are sent to offsite module fabrication yards or shops.
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