Water is an essential resource for both residents and businesses in and around Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Two factors contribute to the health of this resource – quality and quantity. Quality is affected by contaminants from a variety of sources, including agricultural run-off, and discharges from municipal and industrial operations. Quantity is the amount of water flowing through a system, which is impacted by all users who draw water for consumption. Both quality and quantity must be properly managed to achieve healthy water systems.
Beginning in 2000 and continuing today, a regional groundwater study and monitoring program was developed and implemented. Ongoing efforts of the Northeast Capital Industrial Association (NCIA) and Alberta Environment enable this monitoring program to achieve its objectives of understanding and maintaining the quality of the region’s water.
The Water Management Framework for the Industrial Heartland and Capital Region Report is complete along with a Eight Years of Implementation document. This framework addresses water quantity and quality issues in the North Saskatchewan River, focusing on the stretch of river from Devon to Pakan. These initiatives, in combination with the Government of Alberta’s Water for Life strategy, build upon each other to achieve successful management of the water supply in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.
Information Centre: 780.427.2700
24 hr Environment Hotline 1.800.222.6514
To obtain further information on a variety of topics relating to water, please contact:
Northeast Capital Industrial Association (NCIA)
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
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