Heartland 101 May 2019: Emergency Notification in the Region

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Whether for work, for school, or for fun, our region sees thousands of people traveling in and through it daily. It’s typically business as usual, however in a region as risk-diverse as ours, there’s always potential for an emergency to occur. In any emergency, community safety is the priority.  In the early stages of an emergency, being able to quickly and safely notify the community is a challenge for responders.

Through local mutual aid emergency response association Northeast Region Community Awareness Emergency Response (NRCAER), a radio network has been in place for decades, enabling response authorities to communicate in an emergency. One of the actions they take is to warn motorists of an emergency ahead. This is done through a traffic management plan built with local RCMP and involves sending responders to a location outside of the immediate area to redirect traffic. This takes time, when in most emergencies, seconds count.

Collaborating through NRCAER, local response agencies identified this gap across its boundary and set about solving it. With technology advancements, as well as funding, the members of NRCAER are bringing dynamic road message signs to their approximate 700km2 region, also home to Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.      

Signs will be located along known high traffic routes around the region to alert and divert motorists should an emergency occur. Engineering and site prep have already begun, and installation will take place over the coming months. The signs are targeted to be operational in the fall of 2019.

To learn about existing and planned emergency notification methods in the region, an “easy as 1:23” animated video has been developed. Project progress updates will be provided using traditional and social media.

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May 5 – 11, 2019 marks Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada. Key to being emergency ready is being informed. Residents are advised to download the Alberta Emergency Alert on their mobile devices and visit their municipality’s website for information on available alerting programs.

The NRCAER UPDATEline 1-866-653-9959 is a toll-free 24-hour information line that carries recorded information about public safety and NRCAER industry member activity residents may see, hear, smell or otherwise notice. The line has been in place since 2003.  Visit www.getprepared.gc.ca for resources on personal and family emergency preparedness.

For more information on NRCAER, visit www.nrcaer.com. To learn about Life in the Heartland, visit lifeintheheartland.com, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, or email info@lifeintheheartland.com.
